FPC Blog

Investing Post Crisis


The crisis of 2007 has clearly created a new financial landscape out there and most of us are looking to thrive or at least survive in this new environment in the making.

Some food for thought:

  1. Nine out of 10 people in finance don’t have your best interest at heart and even worse are clueless.
  2. Don’t try to predict the future but understand the facts like no one. Read, learn and start discerning facts from propaganda.
  3. Saving can be as important as investing.
  4. Tune out the majority of news. All baloney worth nothing but divert your attention.
  5. Emotional intelligence is as important as classroom intelligence. High stakes investing has much to do with nerves of steel as market savvy.
  6. Never talk about your money. Smart people know better.
  7. Most financial problems are caused by debt. Debt can be only be good for you when you can borrow at insanely low interest rates.
  8. Forget about past performance. Change is the only constant out there.
  9. The perfect investment doesn’t exist.

Now go and make a killing…
